The average attendance in state run special schools is 89.3%. The attendance figure for Glenwood School this half term to date is 89.72%.
With adjustments made for young people absent due to significant long term medical conditions, our attendance is 93.60%.
Admissions Process for Glenwood School
Glenwood School is a specialist provision for young people with severe learning difficulties. All admissions to the school are the responsibility of the Local Authority. Following a statutory assessment, the Local Authority will make a judgement as to where the needs of a child with special educational needs can best be met. If the criteria for severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties provides the best fit, then Glenwood School may be consulted and a request for admission made.
The school will consider the consultation information to ensure it is an appropriate referral and that we can meet the needs within our defined provision. Glenwood School provides a curriculum and specialist provision designed for children and young people with a range of severe and profound learning difficulties, for which it is provided with an identified level of funding by the Local Authority. Many of the young people who attend Glenwood School have a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder. In considering a referral, the Headteacher, on behalf of the Governing Body, will decide firstly whether or not it is appropriate and secondly when the young person can be admitted based on the capacity within the school.
The school currently accommodates 245 young people. It is expected that parents/carers will have been in contact and met with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to understand the provision being offered and the context of the school. This will help them decide whether Glenwood can provide the specialist provision that is right for their young person. We work closely with parents/carers, existing settings and partner services to ensure a smooth transition into the school.
Please refer to the Essex Local Offer website for more information.
The video may also be useful - Introducing the new Essex County Council SEND Teams - Essex Local OfferEssex Local Offer.
A rough guide to admissions to special needs schools can be found below:

All admissions and appeals for Glenwood School are managed by the Local Authority. Please see below for relevant contact details:
Mid Essex (Braintree, Chelmsford, Halstead and Maldon): 0333 013 9949 or
North East Essex (Colchester and Tendring): 0333 013 7667 or
South Essex (Basildon, Billericay, Brentwood, Castle Point, Rochford and Wickford): 0333 013 4736 or
West Essex (Epping, Harlow and Uttlesford): 0333 013 9911 or