Please see below for a variety of external agencies in the local area who will be able to offer support and guidance about a range of issues.
Need Support - SNAP Charity - ” SNAP informs, encourages and supports parents and carers, enabling you to provide the best possible help to your children via a range of online resources, together with activities and services at our centre”
Purple – Changing the Conversation (wearepurple.org.uk) ” Purple provides a wide range of practical support services for people affected by autism, alongside information, advice and guidance services.”
SupportLine - Confidential Emotional Support for Children, Young Adults and Adults
”Support Line provides a confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to anyone on any issue, including depression and anxiety.
Dimensions | Supporting People with Learning Disabilities & Autism (dimensions-uk.org) is a not-for-profit organisation. It supports people with learning disabilities to live the life they choose.
Essex County Council: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) | Essex Local Offer
Please click here to see the Essex County Council Local Offer for SEN in the Essex area.